ok. as i was running out of the house this morning, i remembered that i wanted to share my pink kitchen plans with you, but it really wouldn't do any justice to my plans with just words. so i grabbed these 2 shots of my kitchen (thank goodness it was clean!), with my phone.
they suck.
but i wanted to show you what i was dealing with.
i have this tumbled rock/black triangle backsplash that we didn't choose. and i wouldn't have. it's just not me. but it was there from the previous owners, as was the black quartz counters and the (eek.) orangey-oak cabinets. but they are all in excellent shape...
my original plan was to paint the cabinets a gray, or a teal-blue-green color originally and replace the backsplash...
but we don't plan on being here forever and i had this wild hair idea that pink walls would kinda make all of what is already there sorta work.
here's my ever exploding inspiration from my pink kitchen file:
these top 3 are it. a mixture of all 3, please.
but i like these, too.
this one makes me very, very happy:
(get in my kitchen)
i think the pink adds a whole lot to the situation.
and keeping all my wood and the black that's already there...
i think that keeps it from being a kitchen that any 8 year old girl would choose, ya know?
i'm channeling a moroccan vibe.
earthy. full of good stuff and accessories, which i hoard so we should be a-ok there.
lots of brass. some great textiles on my settee that i need to upholster. some ikat pillows.
a kick-ass rug, i'm looking on ebay, etc. for something ethnic. a kilim. with no pink in it whatsoever. or i might move my rug from the front room.... you don't know what that looks like so that's mean, but i promise. this is the room i'm focusing on at the moment so i'll share updates. i want a small cafe table with a marble top. some art. all around good stuff.
you know, morocco with a splash of european charm.
see it? prob not because i feel as though i'm rambling on.
some pink morrocan-esque inspiration for ya--
no? you'll just have to wait and see, then.
{images via live creating yourself, flickr, my pink post from earlier, bellevivir, bhg, hautemama's faves tumblr, house to home, little augury, miles redd, sparkstack, google, furganmr}