Monday, January 16, 2012

bringing some green inside

i love myself some tall skinny topiaries.
my kitchen needs one, says this picture below:

i always thought doing this myself was above and beyond my (below) beginner gardening skills... i.e. i kill stuff.

i took an entire biology class in college on plants. you'd think that would have gained me something other than being able to count the stoma on the underside of the leaf and talk intelligently about photosynthesis......

but then!
i found a website that makes it sound like cake walk.

this man says it's not hard--

so i'm going to try it here in the very near future.

they're good for you!
NASA's clean air study recommends 15-18 good respirating plants for an 1,800 sq.ft. home.

oxygen producing plants can be used to both produce oxygen as well as remove common harmful chemicals in your home's air. they break them down into harmless organic byproducts which they then use as food!
win win.
these harmful-to-humans-and-pets-chemicals are most commonly from off-gassing common household items (like your carpet) and cleaning products.

clean your air, boost for your mood, and make your kitchen look like it belongs in lonny.

happy martin luther king day.


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