Wednesday, February 27, 2013

buried. 2013.

so i have been gone for a long time.
i didn't expect to be gone for so long.
and i don't even want to get into why on this little blog of mine.
just know that my little family has been dealt something that i don't wish on anyone. it was and still is sad, but there is light at the end of this tunnel. i am looking forward, not backwards. and honestly, i'm just sick of being sad.
so here i am. moving forward. onwards and upwards!!!!


i have also been buried in snow since last thursday!

with the first of 2 storms, we got 13" on snow at my house on thursday.
some of you up north are like, "so? that's what we get every 3 days... wimp."
but here in kansas city, that just doesn't happen.
our big snow storms are maybe 6". and then it melts and we move on.

this time we got 13" and it was a novelty.
kinda fun, kinda annoying.
kinda fun: snow day.
kinda annoying: spring? spring? bueller? bueller?

obviously i took an obnoxious amount of photos bc it was crazy to see for the first time.

up to my dog's belly. and she couldn't get enough.
whines to go outside all day, every day since.

we don't have a snow blower bc it really isn't that necessary here.
until this week and we'd pay a billion dollars for one.

then on sunday, we had a warm day so stuff was looking up and it was melting.
and after church i made my husband pull over so i could climb this mountain.

i'm telling you, i have never seen anything like such, in my whole life.
it was a monster!!


then the news started talking about another storm that was brewing.
and i held my breathe and prayed for the best.

and then on monday night/tuesday morning, we got another 8-10" on top of all the other left over junk from last thursday.

we live across the street from a golf course, and it truly is beautiful.
especially at first.
but it's still snowing.
right now.
and it's very quickly losing its appeal.

i'm over this, too.

like above, that there on the left, is a bush.
on the right, that is just grass. that is now as tall as my car.

this was my view on the way to work today.

i want my sunshine and spring weather back.

i hope you're enjoying far better weather than i :)


(i'm resuming normal posting from here on out. honest.)


  1. Happy to see you back, Jill! Thinking about you and hoping happiness finds you soon!
