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i had the privilege of stopping in the adorable glassybaby store on hudson street last saturday morning. it was an all around delightful experience.

after being introduced to glassybaby last november by my very soon to be sister-in-law, who lives in seattle, i was thrilled to learn there was a store in new york.

these vibrant glass candleholders, cups or vases are available in the most beautiful colors and have such an impact all alone or in the masses.
the glassybaby started in the late 90's by a woman named Lee Rhodes- she received one of these handblown glasses as a gift from a family member while undergoing cancer treatment. she put a candle in the glass and it brought her serenity. she then began giving the glassybaby to others as gifts.

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there are now 4 glassybaby locations, 3 in washington (seattle and bellevue) and the newest location in new york.

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located in the former home of jane jacobs, an urban activist known for her successful fight to save greenwich village, the new york store on hudson street has a very local, organic, and friendly feel, much different from the fast-paced, cut throat environment the city can often ignite. the store has stayed true to its west coast upbringing and has relied on friends finding their way to glassybaby after hearing about it from friends, stumbling upon it, or receiving one of these vivid pieces as a gift and coming back for more.

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the glassybaby comes in over 70 fabulous colors that can be mixed and matched millions of different ways. a select group of colors benefit local and national organizations contributing to cancer patient care and cancer research.
what a special story and meaningful gift. a symbol of love, hope and strength.
after regaining her health she learned to blow the glass herself, and by 2003 she established her own company.
via glassybaby
via glassybaby
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ReplyDeletetrue story: i was at a friend's housewarming party in chelsea last weekend. While freshening up I looked down and spotted a very cute small glass cup being used as a toothbrush holder. I had a mini freak-out, dumped the toothbrushes out (shhh), flipped the cup upside down...and saw the word "glassybaby" across the bottom.
two weeks ago i would have had no idea. your blog is so informative, keep the posts coming!!!